Automotive Diagnostic

HANTEK Automotive Diagnosis
Dieses Equipment basiert auf einem speziellen Oszilloskop, welches an einem vorhandenen PC oder Notebook angeschlossen wird.
Es gibt basierend auf der Grundausstattung Kits von II bis VI mit unterschiedlichen Erweiterungen.

Vehicle Diagnosis :
First Diagnosis(Cranking Exhaust Diagnosis)
Ignition Action(Current/Voltage)
The Sensor(Air Flow Meter,Camshaft,Crankshaftˇ)
Bus Diagnosis(CAN Bus Data View)
Startup&Charge(Charging Circuits Current/Voltage)

4 Channels and EXT trigger, 60MHz Bandwidth.
200MS/s real-time sampling rate, 10k--16M memory depth per Channel.
Frequency Counter,FFT spectrum analysis.
8--36V Wide range of input voltage,suitable for vehicle power test.
USB 2.0 interface plug and play, LAN optional.
More than 20 kinds of automatic measurement andPASS/FAIL Check function, which is suitable for engineering application.
Excellent industrial design, similar interface with bench oscilloscope ,Easy to use.
Software support: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP,VISTA,Win7, Win8.
Supply DEMO code (VC,VB,LABVIEW) and technical support.

HANTEK DSO3064 Kit V Automotive DSO3064 Kit V 4 Channels, 10K-16M Memory Depth, Frenquency Counter, FFT, USB 2.0 interface plug and play; LAN optional. 499.00 CHF

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